
Record and report on discipline, academic, health and other student-related events.

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The Notes Module is a powerful tool for recording and reporting on noteworthy occurrences (both positive and negative) that happen in school. Recording notes in ParentLocker allows for having a record of events for future reference and makes it easy for administrators to follow relevant events in real-time.

Writing Notes

Teachers and staff members can log into ParentLocker to write a Note.

  • First, a category and sub-category is chosen (for example, Disciple: Warning; or, Academic: Failing)
  • Students involved are tagged in the note, and details about the incident are recorded. Files can also be attached to the note.
  • Reviewers are added to be notified of the new note; for example, the Dean of Students can be added as a reviewer to be notified of all discipline related notes.
  • Privacy for the note is set, so that only selected users can read the note.

Click image to enlarge.

Email Notifications

When a staff member is added as a reviewer of a Note, they receive an email alerting them that they were added as a reviewer. This ensures relevant administrators are in-the-know about note-worthy events happening in their departments.

Notes Inbox

  • Administrators and staff members have an "Inbox" of incoming notes.
  • Any notes shared with them appear in their inbox for review.
  • The inbox can be filtered by criteria: for example, only notes of a certain category can be displayed, or only notes written about a particular student.
  • Notes can be tagged by status as well, such as Urgent or Resolved.

Click image to enlarge.


The Notes Module can be fully customized based on your school's unique requirements. Additional categories and sub-categories can be easily created based on the types of incidents you want your staff to record.

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